Contact information
Cesta von, a civic association
Miletičova 30
821 08 Bratislava
Basic information
Registration carried out by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic
on: 5. 4. 2018
File number: VVS/1-900/90-53524
IČO: 51656957
DIČ: 2120766021
Bank account
IBAN: SK10 0900 0000 0051 4389 7989
Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
Tomášikova 48, 832 37 Bratislava
Bank code: 0900
Management of the organization
Executive Director:

Deputy director and program manager of the ZEBRA program:

Program manager of the OMAMA program:

Program manager of the FILIP program:

Program manager of the AMAL program:

Contact for donors and volunteers
The donation of toys or other material assistance is provided by Mirka:

Individual donors contact Baška:

Cooperation with companies and institutions is handled by Lenka:

If you want to become a significant donor or make a gift from your will, contact Hela:

If you want to volunteer, contact Dominika:

Údaje pre 2 % z dane:
IČO: 51656957 (pozor, IČO vo formulári vypĺňajte sprava, nepoužité polia ostávajú prázdne)
Obchodné meno (názov): CESTA VON
Číslo: 30
PSČ: 821 08
X súhlasím so zaslaním údajov (meno, priezvisko a trvalý pobyt) mnou určenému prijímateľovi podielu zaplatenej dane uvedenému v II. oddiele podľa § 50 ods. 8 zákona (vyznačiť X)
Information on the processing and protection of personal data
If you are interested in the answers to the following questions, read our GDPR.
- What personal data do we process about you?
- How do we use the provided personal data and on what legal basis?
- To whom do we provide your personal data?
- What are your rights?
- How do we protect your personal data?
Support the Omama program
Today, omamas work with more than 900 children at an early age in regular lessons. If you support them with your regular donation, they will soon be able to develop even more children from poor communities.