Slovaks abroad helping omamas

Help us build a community committed to solving poverty in Slovakia through early childhood development.

Join us and connect with people who care about Slovakia and who are dedicated to making it a better place for everyone.

If you are reading this text, you probably live, study, or work abroad. Maybe you have started a family there. You were given the opportunity to show your talents and succeed. You were given support by your parents, school, or people who believed in you. However, not everyone is given such opportunities. Children from the poorest Roma communities rarely make it beyond the borders of their district and they often drop out of school before completing elementary school. Generational poverty is passed down from generation to generation, reducing children’s opportunities for success.

That’s why our omamas actively work within these communities, helping children and their parents in narrowing the gap with middle-class peers through supporting their development from day one.

Living abroad does not mean you cannot feel a sense of responsibility to contribute to your country, region, or community. Whether you are planning to return someday or want to stay abroad permanently, you can now join our mission and start helping remotely. At Cesta von, we have a few ideas on how to make it happen, and we’d love to hear yours as well.

Fill out this form and let us know more about you:

    Nezáväzný registračný formulár

    [progressbar type:numbers]
    [step_start id:step-1 "Osobné údaje"]

    Kontaktné údaje

    [next class:next "Pokračovať"]
    [step_start id:step-2 "Informácie o tebe"]

    Aký je tvoj talent, vedomosti alebo schopnosti, ktoré nám chceš ponúknuť? *

    Aká je tvoja motivácia zapojiť sa do programu, ktorý rieši chudobu na Slovensku? *

    Vieš o ďalších Slovákoch vo svojom okolí, ktorí by sa radi zapojili do pomoci? *

    [prev "Späť"]


    – Ondro set up his own fundraiser for omamas as part of his run in Australia

    – Ema and Marieta helped us translate our website into German

    – Samo held a photo exhibition in Prague showcasing the work of the omamas

    – Marianna helped us translate our annual report into English

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