Breaking the cycle of poverty

Every year, around 3,000 children in Slovakia are born into generational poverty. Living in poverty means they don’t have the right environment for proper development. Their parents are caught in a struggle with inadequate housing, unemployment, and debt. Thanks to our programs like Omama, Amal, Filip and Zebra, children, teenagers, and entire families are able to gain valuable skills for a better tomorrow. Read more about our programs and become part of the solution.


The way out of poverty

1. Understanding the issue

Thousands of people in Slovakia live in generational poverty. Children born into difficult conditions face significant challenges from the very start. A lack of education, unemployment, inadequate housing, and recurring health problems form a vicious cycle that’s tough to break without external support.

2. Our strategy for change

We have set up programs in poor communities to foster early childhood development, empower the youth, and offer targeted support to the parents. People working in our Omama and Filip programs already visit hundreds of families in local communities, where the family members themselves take an active role in driving change. Our youth leaders provide guidance to older children in the Zebra clubs.

3. Our vision for the future

We envision a future where children and teenagers growing up in poverty, live in supportive environments and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Access to quality education will significantly boost their chances in life. We aim to help families manage their finances more effectively, find stable work, and improve their housing conditions. Our goal is to turn poor settlements into thriving communities.

Our achievements

Thanks to our community of supporters, women working in the Omama program, better known as omamas are now reaching hundreds of children and their parents. Meanwhile, mentors from the Filip program are helping dozens of families in challenging situations to grow and thrive.

Omama has earned our trust. We speak Romani at home, and she teaches our son Slovak. He has already learned colours and we often borrow a book about animals.

Sebastián’s mother


I can see that the Omama program is making a real difference. Children joining our kindergarten are more confident and are already used to engaging in similar activities. They have better motor skills. Their Slovak is much better. They are the ones setting the pace and motivating others. They understand our instructions at the very first time. For those kids who then keep coming to kindergarten regularly, you can really see their great progress.

Jarmila Chmurovičová

Kindergarten social worker, Zborov

Jozef has been working abroad for a long time and earns a fairly decent salary. However, his family is trapped in a cycle of old debts and wants to break free. We have set new goals. What resonates with me the most is how he always says that they have the power to change their lives, if they truly want it.

Viki Živčáková

mentor in the Filip program

I feel really proud of myself when others praise me. I feel like a completely different woman. But I’m just as proud of the mothers I work with. Recently, one of them thanked me for everything I taught her kids, Maťko and Ivanka, because they get lots of praise at kindergarten. But I told her it’s actually thanks to her. It’s her achievement. She actively participated in the lessons and then continued to work with her kids at home.

omama Deniska


It’s been almost a year since Gabo started working. Together with Ľudka, they’ve started building their little house. He’s looking into getting a driver’s license, and they’ve already created a financial plan. Not long ago, he was a shy and quiet young man prone to hasty decisions. Now he has grown into someone who carefully considers his actions. It is no longer just dealing with the ‘here and now’, it is not just try to solve current problems. He has learned to think about the future.

Silvia Bartošová

mentor in the Filip program

What people are saying about us

During my visits, I focus on finding real solutions that help families and children break free from poverty. While visiting Zborov, I was deeply impressed by the omama lesson I had the opportunity to witness. The Omama program supports the development and education of young Roma children from birth and is built on collaboration with their mothers. … Zobraziť viac

Zuzana Čaputová

President of the Slovak Republic

Few economic policies offer both a high social return on investment and the added benefit of reducing income inequality. Investing in preschool education for children from marginalized communities aged 0 to 5 is exactly one of those rare, bright exceptions.

Ľudovít Ódor

Member of the European Parliament and former Slovak Prime Minister

How can you help?

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Find out what kind of material gifts are suitable for families with whom midwives work.


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